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ASB Elections

The ASB elections occurred recently. On Thursday, April 25th during bridge students got to vote for the 2019 - 2020 ASB Board.

The People running for certain positions are :

  • Sue Ikahihifo - President

  • Lizbeth Gonzalez - President

  • Myah Gilmer - Vice President

  • Eddie Banda - Vice President

  • Jonathan Lastrapes - Secretary

  • Susan Yparraguirre - Secretary

  • Caliyah Jefferson - Treasurer

  • Adorian Robbins - PR

  • Jahzell Brewster - PR

There were posters filling up the campus and social media promotions were everywhere. On Thursday the 25th during bridge, teachers were suppose to show a video with the candidates’ speech. After, students would fill out a Google Form and chose who’d they like to see represent them on the ASB Board.

During 6th period current ASB members would walk around to each class to announce next school years’ board. The 2019 - 2020 ASB Board Members are :

  • Sue Ikahihifo - President

  • Myah Gilmer - Vice President

  • Jonathan Lastrapes - Secretary

  • Caliyah Jefferson - Treasurer

  • Jahzell Brewster - PR

One thing to admire, is the sportsmanship of everyone running. They were all very respectful towards each other when it came to campaigning.

The overall goal of the ASB Board is to make sure the school has a memorable year as well as run things very smoothly.

Our next years PR Jahzell hopes to make appealing advertisements that attract all grades. “I want to get the school way more hyped for the events leadership puts together for us because I know that if everyone got good vibes about those events and if the majority is excited about it, they could be way more successful.”

As well as future Secretary Jonathan says that his goal is to, “ strive for pure success as a board member and as secretary I am going to make sure that the 2019–2020 school year goes as smoothly and as organized as humanly possible.”

Students around the school are satisfied with next years board. Current Junior Daniel Velez says, “Well I feel that the current board is going to do extremely well, I feel the ones that were chosen were the best options possible, especially after hearing what they wanted to do for the future and how they'd accomplish it. while there were a few malpractices like bribery (in a sense), it was from multiple sources so it didn't really influence much so it kept it fair.”

Next years ASB will be just as great as this years and everyone will be looking forward to next year's exciting plans !

Congratulations to everyone who won a position, and will aim to make our school a more spirited place.

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